Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-12

  • @fstoner Swype on Android is now only bundled with some phones. I use and love SlideIT on my HTC Desire which also supports other languages. in reply to fstoner #
  • True? If university education really leads to increased individual wealth then graduate tax based on income makes perfect sense. #edchat #
  • Gotta love GKP being all passive aggressive: "Have you ever tried to clean vomit out of the keyboard of a MacBook Pro?" #
  • 10 Super Social Media Songs [VIDEOS] #
  • Just deposited €5 with Flattr to share a bit of $ov€ for online content. Hoping micropayments catch on this time! #edtech #
  • @moodlerific @moodlehelen File management in #moodle 2.0 is why I'm willing to try an upgrade even with RC (if it comes) #
  • Judging by #philbitescomp philosophy appears to be an aspiration to the transcendental via a hagiography of the institutional. #
  • Dyslexia Action: "We desperately need career progression for teaching assistants…" #edchatuk #
  • HOW TO: Get Tweetable Moments from Your Presentations #
  • I'm coming up on my 1000th tweet in 18 months of Twitter activity. What should it be about? Do I need a cake? #
  • @lesuco Not a fan of Ravitch's programmatic ignoring of social factors in schooling or basing curriculum values in 1950s. Agree on testing. in reply to lesuco #
  • RT @ProfHacker: New at ProfHacker: @ryancordell discusses "How to Start Tweeting (and Why You Might Want To)" #
  • What standards should not be like #edchat #Kindle #
  • Role of ideology (metaphor) in educational policy making. #edchat #Kindle #
  • Any course on language should include a project similar to this: #ellchat #
  • RT @tomshepp: Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Techy Things for Teachers to Try This Year #edtech #elearning #
  • @ITJil Apple makes mobile development easy if you want to develop the Apple way. With tools like App Inventor, Android is bound to pass iOS. in reply to ITJil #
  • After a month with my Android phone I have no doubt that the future of computing in education is in the mobile sphere. #edtech #edchat #
  • On Hauser misconduct: "it's long past time for scientists to start publishing their raw data along w/ their conclusions" #
  • a great online dictionary for learners browsing the web. Better than GTranslate, fewer languages. #ellchat /via @ghewgley #
  • RT @ghewgley: Very cool ELL site based upon current news-complete w/ lesson plans. I so like this! #ellchat #
  • Unlike blogs, wikis or social bookmarking, my students (incl. 'digital natives') seem to find forums and database uploads intuitive. #edchat #
  • @Stutz01 I've mostly used blogs as public reflective journals. But where I see possibilities students only see an assignment. #edchat in reply to Stutz01 #
  • @mrplough07 I too can't seem to get wikis/blogging to take off with students who often don't read blogs or edit Wikipedia. #edchat in reply to mrplough07 #
  • @awcheney As teacher I 2 prefer discovery over feeding. But there are some indications that bad discovery is worse than bad feeding. #edchat in reply to awcheney #
  • @davidwees Too many types of illiteracy for 1 solution. I'm currently thinking about an online literacy course for dyslexic pupils. #edchat in reply to davidwees #
  • @nyates314 Web2.0 apps4Teachers: GoogleDocs (creation/collaboration), YouTube/Slideshare/Wordpress (sharing), Twittr/Delicious(CPD). #ntchat in reply to nyates314 #
  • Accessible and open resources are essential for e-learning but so is remembering that there's more than one kind of literacy. #edchat #
  • @davidwees Using accessible resources (eg DAISY), text2speech, multimedia, etc can make e-learning available even to the illiterate. #edchat in reply to davidwees #
  • @teachtgs E-learning is a mixed blessing for literacy accessibility. But on balance it presents fewer barriers than f2f instruction. #edchat #
  • Learning networks & teacher presence are essential for elearning. Autodidacts often just learn indiscriminate facts w/o relevance. #edchat #
  • @awcheney Learners & educators need to collaborate on the curation of available content. But unguided selfdiscovery is not education #edchat in reply to awcheney #
  • RT @rliberni: Thanks for great moderation! @esolcourses & @shellterrell #teachertuesday #edchat #
  • @jerridkruse Disagree. Computers can provide many concrete multisensory experiences. Just not all that's necessary. #edchat in reply to jerridkruse #
  • Some 'great' classroom teachers are great performers. This may not translate online. Some are great educators and will shine online. #edchat #
  • @awcheney E-learning should not be built around content consumption but there needs to be content. Online lectures r great for that. #edchat #
  • @ryflinn I have changed my mind on elearning over last 2 years. One f2f, second online HE teaching. Found online more effective. #edchat #
  • @ryflinn Good point. Like everything in education this is going to be an incremental change. Too slow for some, too fast for others. #edchat in reply to ryflinn #
  • School may provide safe space 4 some students dangerous 4 others. Same with e-learning. Teachers must know their students in both. #edchat #
  • Ditto: RT @lisa_maren: Some activities can't be done online. But my online class had cooperative learning, laughter, debates, games. #edchat #
  • A dream: Schools where students meet spontaneously to continue discussion started online and to teach each other vocational skills. #edchat #
  • Imagine a day of watching 3 TED-like talks at home, then discuss online. Compare with 6 hours in classroom. #edchat #
  • @Mamacita I speak about EL v F2F all the time anywhere to anyone who will listen-never thought bravery was required. Am I in danger? #edchat in reply to Mamacita #
  • @nainisingh I still like going to (un)conferences. But individual lectures or one-day workshops/symposia are better online. #edchat in reply to nainisingh #
  • RT @theteachinggame: I feel like students are more likely to express what's going on with them in an anonymous online context #edchat #
  • @chrismayoh After a year of webinars, I prefer to attend and deliver online lectures-no travel, more opportunity for questions. #edchat in reply to chrismayoh #
  • We run 2 online courses (w adults). One with 1-week live induction. Don't see much difference in subsequent online socialization. #edchat #
  • In online learning students no longer have to be limited by the serendipity of their classroom. They can make wider connections. #edchat #
  • RT @bethanyvsmith: We have to stop thinking of online learning as self-paced or complete CBT. DE is no longer correspondence course! #edchat #
  • @dcinc66 @bethanyvsmith Another benefit of e-learning is that many more settings are shareable and reusable (not just materials). #edchat in reply to dcinc66 #
  • No-classroom e-learning may never fully replace K-12. But it could provide meaningful alternatives for many students today. #edchat #
  • RT @rliberni: RT @drdouggreen: Suspended kids should go right online. Gr8 this could be an answer for some of them #edchat #
  • f2f in pure elearning like OU is often important because it provides space to focus free of external commitments. #edchat #
  • Many students/teachers still welcome f2f. But often more because it looks like learning than for its effectiveness. #edchat #
  • Rinse and repeat: RT @tomwhitby: Whatever arguments can be made against Online learning can probably also be made for F2F. #edchat #
  • Skinner's 1968 vision for teaching machines to free teachers to focus on the human aspect of teaching is as important in e-learning. #edchat #
  • @ryflinn Agree. It is important that we don't assume students only learn in one way online (as w/ classroom). Embrace the lurkers! #edchat in reply to ryflinn #
  • Well put: RT @CliveSir: All the teachers released by online ed could be reemployed as childcarers. Oh, hang on… #edchat #
  • In online learning only meaningful learner presence counts (if it is structured around interaction and not content consumption). #edchat #
  • Classroom learning fosters the illusion that the student has contributed to their learning just by showing up. #edchat #
  • Online learning can be structured so that all students are engaged in some way. #edchat #
  • If schooling were about learning, distance learning might replace classroom. But K-12 schools have an important childcare function. #edchat #
  • RT @doriedance: RT @tomwhitby: #Edchat Topic coming up in 25 minutes: Will online or distance learning replace classroom learning? #
  • Great idea: Use QR Codes for Flashcards #edtech #
  • "There’s surprisingly little difference between a [job] candidate with six months of experience and one with six years." #
  • Very useful: RT @marynabadenhors: •15 Apps for Recording Skype Conversations: #
  • RT @hjarche: "Forget experience – hire learners." by @timkastelle #
  • I'm amazed how many new SaaS VLEs are popping up with little innovation. Can we still expect a transformative idea in this space? #edtech #
  • RT @rayschroeder: Bill Gates: place-based activiy in college will be five times less important than it is today. #edtech #
  • RT @Samyania: Czech, why even use the letter 'r' when the sound it makes has nothing to do with 'r'? Why not use a different letter? #
  • RT @fxstrategytips: Czech Proverb~ When you go to buy use your eyes not your ears. #
  • I keep trying the latest clipboard replacements but always come back to Clipboard Recorder for power & simplicity #edtech #
  • They need to lower prices of e-books to be a good deal> RT @thebookseller: Waterstone's slashes pocket e-reader to £99 #
  • Sounds familiar. Examples? RT @samplereality: Literary scholars who dabble in television studies are usually the worst sort of academic fans #
  • There should be more writers like @doctorow who I always cite as a model for opening content in education #edtech #edchat #
  • Kaminsky: "HTML was the 1st programming language where you could have no idea what you're doing and still get something" #
  • Dan Kaminsky: "We need to make sure that security and functionality are the same thing"<insecure apps don't run #nexthope #
  • Love the use of simple tools for crowdsourcing OERs in Curriculum Catalyst #edtech #
  • Just took survey on Translators and Technologies Based on Openness, Sharing and Collaboration – useful overview of field: #
  • @rosamariatorres Agree. Gates like many engineers thinks of education in terms of content not communities & conversation. #edchat in reply to rosamariatorres #
  • RT @amcunningham: Interested in uncertainty in medicine? You may not want to know about it but it exists. #meded #
  • Bill Gates: In Five Years The Best Education Will Come From The Web > Case for OER? #
  • RT @jdthomas7: 3 Online Tools To Create Pie Charts and Bar Diagrams | The Windows Club #edtech #
  • RT @metaphorhacker: Robert Steele: "We need to focus more on the 'I' and less on the 'T' in IT" #nexthope #edchat #edtech #
  • @hjames Got & love Kindle 2 but will be getting 3. Just WiFi, though, to tether with my Android phone. Will use 3G money on cover w/ light. in reply to hjames #
  • @hjames Na access on the Kindle 2 to Gmail or G Docs – just Wikipedia. Will have to wait for 3 with its Webkit browser and apps. in reply to hjames #
  • "how much better the open source world works than the old proprietary software software world" #
  • Women 2.0 Labs Graduates Its First Class of Founders < great idea #
  • @timmillwood No contest for me between iPad and Kindle 3. Kindle wins on utility, portability & price. Can buy it & a netbook for less! in reply to timmillwood #
  • Fascinating to see the vision for a "Journal of Wholly New Type" in 1987. A precursor to #thatcamp or #anthologize #
  • I hope @amazonkindle responds to the B&E NookStudy. Its desktop and mobile apps are far behind. #kindle #edtech #
  • Not to be a shill but this makes me happy I got my Desire from 3 & not Vodafone Already got a dual text from someone. #

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