No Longer Mad with Desire: Exactly the anDroid I was looking for

HTC Desire - closeup of optic navigation "...
Image via Wikipedia

Yes, my beloved Nokia E71 is showing its age and luckily its senescence was accompanied by the expiration of its contract. Enter the HTC Desire (my second HTC phone after the underpowered WiMo 730) and it’s been a great first day. And I have the Apps to show it. Seriously, thanks to the great AppBrain you can see my apps on Techczech and below and in the sidebar.

Having helped other people with their iPhones, I honestly cannot imagine why anyone would want to go with a closed, less flexible system.

BTW: In case anyone’s interested, I used these two guides to migrate my SMSs/Text Messages from the E71 to the HTC Desire: 1. This to convert from OVI and 2. This to import the messages onto Android. And Google’s instructions to migrate all my contacts: Both should work for a variety of phones.

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