- If you'd like to see me in the studio, I'm broadcasting a live Google Hangout on air here: http://t.co/SznYJpsp #
- About to start my first late night #jazz show on Reading4U. Tune in from 10pm BST until midnight on http://t.co/YfN392Mf. #
- Key: "community is not the path to understanding or accessing the curriculum…the community is the curriculum" http://t.co/6QgezDoL #edchat #
- "idea of learning as something that can be bought, acquired, and then completed is deeply ingrained in popular culture" http://t.co/qnKYdS0A #
- 2/2..ask if the labour market can take advantage of the variety of graduates it has to choose from! http://t.co/n3Eapr3O #ukedchat #highered #
- 1/2 Ask not if universities "supply the right kind of graduates" for the labour market… http://t.co/HhQxNcy6 #ukedchat #edchat #highered #
- RT @mrjonesICT: Great slideshare on free stock photo sites for blogs, websites etc http://t.co/utuEtONT #ukedchat #edchat #edtech #sexytools #
- @andrewstaroscik Up to a point. I said in another tweet, all knowledge is rhizomatic but we often perceive and treat it as non-rhizomatic. in reply to andrewstaroscik #
- I started sharing my Instagram photos under a Creative Commons license. Join me and set your Instagram free! http://t.co/lDRsW7Yo #oer #
- @learningdrupal Github probably isn't best. But it is intriguing because of the remix potential missing in wikis. See http://t.co/t2l4UCvT. in reply to learningdrupal #
- @davecormier IMO all knowledge is inherently rhizome-like but we only tend to view it at moments when it appears as a self-contained plant. #
- New on Researchity: Massive open education mindspace: MOOC hows and whys http://t.co/ybmbDLb7 #
- Thanks @atsc for inspiring me to outline my own #MOOC mindspace on http://t.co/doP3LjJO #moocmooc #edchat Comments welcome. in reply to atsc #
- Re-reading Rhizomatic education by @davecormier realizing how crucial a #metaphor it is for #edreform http://t.co/gE4q8SfG #moocmooc #edchat #
- No @opencontent Had a legit #Wikipedia edit marked as vandalism, posted on Talk page, all was resolved. Open in my book! Groups have rules! in reply to opencontent #
- @atsc Yes, but question is, are "good" assessment practices that also scale up possible? Most mass testing is just voodoo. #moocmooc #edchat in reply to atsc #
- Thanks @opencontent for sharing the EdStartup 101 #mooc participant motivations and commitment levels http://t.co/A3lfv8rq #moocmooc #
- @atsc Disagree. Education fails on assessment. A #mooc just exposes the endemic weaknesses of establishing trust around knowledge! #edchat in reply to atsc #
- Join me in "A Gentle Introduction to Python." http://t.co/ile3b1d3 via @p2pu #mooc #moocmooc #edtech #
- Excited to see all the improvements incl extensions & inline editing in #CiviCRM 4.2 giving full #CRM functionality to #Drupal & #WordPress #
- #OER Repositories & Directories http://t.co/xQ3D1yeg #edchat < just piling stuff up is not enough for truly #open education #
- Looking forward to #Drupal Goes to College by @learningdrupal http://t.co/dKdclZYy – will the course materials be on github? #drupaled #
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