- Most Organizations Now Use Open Source Software According to Gartner http://ow.ly/1s89vh #edtech #foss #
- What's missing from this? "The Art of Education: Thoughts about knowing how to teach" http://ow.ly/49p57 #edchat #
- Please, please! Before you say anything about evidence-based policy, listen to this tour-de-force by Mark Kleiman http://ow.ly/48cAO #edchat #
- How little we know about this essential element of the bilingual experience: Language forgetting http://ow.ly/48AdQ #engchat #
- Free Online Public Lecture: Introduction to Dyslexia for Parents, March 24 http://ow.ly/3Qdoe #edchat #edtech #
- downside of privatised healthcre system: practitioners benefit from making diagnoses but not from testing their validity http://ow.ly/1s831R #
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