- Personally I think Optimality Theory is just plain crazy but I still wish I could attend the symposium: http://ow.ly/4TjM4 #
- Great new interface to Google Books n-gram search now available: http://googlebooks.byu.edu courtesy of COCA's creator Mark Davies #ellchat #
- Attending @Acquia's webinar on "Evolving from Ubercart to Drupal Commerce" http://ow.ly/4SWIy #drupal #
- "Why Is the Higher Education Market Failing?" < and why is noone in the UK talking about the higher ed bubble? http://ow.ly/4SLK9 #edchatuk #
- I love infographics – wonder what http://visual.ly/98m47 will have to add to the genre. #edtech #
- RT @philoquotes: A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise. ~ Machiavelli #
- "[Pseudoteaching] is bad teaching disguised as great teaching." http://ow.ly/4RZ0a #edchat < Late to the party? #
- Education panics have existed since there was education: RT @classroomtools: Civics illiteracy is nothing new. http://bit.ly/jB8xcj #sschat #
- Very exciting and much needed: Open Academy: A Higher Education Drupal Product for Departmental Websites http://ow.ly/4QFkt #edtech #drupal #
- Please sponsor #TheMillionMetreChallenge by @millionmetreman fundraising for It's ME Learning Fund http://ow.ly/4Q7k2 #edchatuk #dyslexia #
- RT @metaphorhacker: New on MetaphorHacker.net: The natural logistics of life: The Internet really changes almost nothing http://j.mp/iKH3VI #
- "What Happens After the Honeymoon?: Social Media Pedagogy in the Real World" http://ow.ly/4Pj4z #edtech #
- Great intro video from @learningdrupal for complete Web Building beginners wanting to create a #Drupal site: http://ow.ly/4P1mh #edtech #
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