- We need to remember speaking languages is complicated on just so many levels: "Refusing to speak a language" http://ow.ly/58niX #engchat #
- "Every time someone says, “I know what I saw” or “I have a clear memory” they are being profoundly naive." http://ow.ly/58n82 #edchat #
- Important linguistics read: "On Chomsky and the Two Cultures of Statistical Learning" http://ow.ly/57M5c #
- Drupal and Education Open Space: Call for Participation http://ow.ly/57JpY #drupalcon #drupal #edtech #
- Language learning in literature as a source domain for generative metaphors http://j.mp/lU9vCT #ellchat #engchat #
- RT @StanCarey: Chav: the vile word at the heart of fractured Britain, by Polly Toynbee: http://bit.ly/jJvGJR #
- YouTube – Hold On -Tom Waitresses http://ow.ly/55PW1 #bestprobableworld #
- Seems that #Drupal versions have an "official" release and a "unofficial" release with Views and CCK upgrade path… http://ow.ly/55w4Y #
- RIP Gil Scott-Heron: 5 YouTube Videos To Remember Him By http://ow.ly/55gRh #
- Rare truly exceptional TED talk: Bruce Aylward: How we'll stop polio for good http://ow.ly/551mt #endpolio #
- "…we've seen less interest in the necessity [of intellectual property] and more emphasis on the evil." http://ow.ly/5518C #copyright #
- Not all elearning has to be online. Skill Share is a great example. http://ow.ly/1te55u #edchat #
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