Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-20

  • What's wrong with #music teachers? Just met another one who'd never heard of Tom Waits. How are we going to get the #edupunk movement going? #
  • Wow, how sad to hear the Chief Rabbi performing voodoo with language and the brain without a challenge on #starttheweek#
  • They do already if they care! RT @marama #ulearn11 we need to teach learners to critically assess and question the information they consume. #
  • How can we encourage some positive competition to PayPal? "Diaspora Becomes PayPal's Latest Victim" #edtech #
  • "In an open educational environment, you can't 'ensure any educational outcomes' nor is it desirable to do so." #edchat #
  • Question: "Will education once take place on Facebook?" Answer: Education already is! Schooling? Probably not! #edchat #
  • Are we too unquestioning about blobs on brain scans? 'What Is Brain "Activation" on fMRI?' #pseudoscience #
  • Should I participate in #NaNoWriMo this year? All I have is the idea of a first sentence. Literally nothing else! #
  • Complaining about cliches is one of the biggest cliches there is. #
  • RT @sarahhorrigan: – Students & Technology 2011 ECAR National Study infographic #edtech #
  • Nice to see the improved #Moodle Plugins Directory, looking forward to the auto updates #edtech #
  • Giving ASUS WebStorage a try over Syncplicity – benefit of a year's free storage from Transformer. #edtech #
  • The only reliable thing about international education comparison studies is the lies told about them afterward. #edchat #
  • Thought experiment: What would happen to society if schools taught the exact opposites about historical events? Prediction: Nothing! #edchat #
  • Compare “Democracy of Classical Athens” to the number of your friends on Twitter: #
  • Thought experiment: What would happen to society if schools stopped teaching computer use? Prediction: Same as in 90s. #edchat #edchatuk #
  • Thought experiment: What would happen to society if all test results were assigned randomly? Prediction: Not much! #edchat #edchatuk #
  • History of linguistic purism and #prescriptivism is as long as the history of language: #eltchat #
  • Aif only #RDF were this simple: Half an Hour: DRN: Downes RDF Notation #

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