- @Owenllr See here for the presentation http://t.co/V9PynXCh in reply to Owenllr #
- Just uploaded 'Collective feature purchasing for #CiviCRM and #FOSS #039; to SlideShare. http://t.co/4KZbu8ys #
- Challenging but important: "6 Myths of Education Technology" http://t.co/x5hLKQbe #edchat #edtech #
- Excited to be talking about Open Source in Education at Collabor8 4 Change http://t.co/PeeIEmAB #edtech #c84c #foss #edchatuk #
- I Suck at Photoshop; Except I Don't, and You Don't Suck at That Thing You're "Bad at" Either [Self Improvement] http://t.co/WxRcZVC9 #
- @firmstep You might be interested in Civi Email Wishlist (#CiviCRM) http://t.co/adsFq9aV #
- "Proprietary tech was a limiting factor in hiring people who could work in it." Switch to #drupal as platform was the solution. #foss #
- Finding out how @Firmstep use #civicrm as a CRM engine for a form building product. Hope they contribute to improve civi profiles. #
- Attending a #civicrm meetup @techhub in London. #
- Free webinar tomorrow: Introduction to Dyslexia for Parents http://t.co/c1S0Vof0 #DAW11 #dyslexia #
- Don't forget to register for tomorrow's free online Public Lecture: Introduction to Dyslexia for Parents http://t.co/VGcYEWsh #dyslexia #sen #
- Love Among the Participles – Lingua Franca – The Chronicle of Higher Education http://t.co/1bCLDqyS #
- Overcome Your "Brand Loyalty" and Buy Better, Cheaper Stuff http://t.co/uB0j4epC #
- Change of Language, Change of Personality? | Psychology Today http://t.co/B9X6tiNp #
- DOWNLOAD Set Up Your Blog With WordPress: Your Ultimate Guide http://t.co/b0SjHLSB #edtech #
- YourOfficeAnywhere Offers Cheap Web Conferencing http://t.co/0YwGO00n #
- New on Researchity: Peer review should be more like Hypothes.is than Hypothes.is should be like peer review! http://t.co/cAXqqsw0 #
- A message to the world http://t.co/MHgWJIRV #dyslexia #sli #spld #
- @stylianosm2 But if the darkest place in hell would be reserved for those who perpetuate moral panics, it would be overflowing. in reply to stylianosm2 #
- @ebodeux PC thus the bugginess. But the usability of iTunes is quite low on a Mac, too. in reply to ebodeux #
- Why does this book keep crashing my Kindle app on Android? Atrocitology: Humanity's 100 Deadliest Achievements eBook http://t.co/J53gC5qJ #
- God, what a worthless unusable piece of garbage #iTunes is! Were it not for the excellent #iTunesU I would never even install it. #edtech #
- Impressed with MindView export functionality (less so price) – any alternatives out there that do SCORM? http://t.co/Zilcsg6X #edtech #
- I immediately fell in love with NexusFile when looking for alternatives for FreeCommander on W7 pro! http://t.co/rZngOHE0 #edtech #
- Atrocitology: "wars kill more civilians than soldiers (in fact, the army is usually the safest place to be)" http://t.co/B64mOMnb #til #
- "tendency to attempt to solve all possible cases before there are any actual cases" is all too common in project management #edtech #edchat #
- Chaos & biology: "Reductionism…is the basis of most of modern science, but reductionism cannot explain everything." http://t.co/QMybr3I5 #
- Peace Corps Postcards http://t.co/jvwZCO5z #
- Linguist Llama wisdom on the Schwa http://t.co/UJvU5ohH #ellchat #
- Can't decide which is the better distraction-free editor: FocusWriter http://t.co/BLxZtibe or WriteMonkey http://t.co/4IpkDgNb #edtech #
- Peer review should be done based on introduction and methods sections only of research submitted for publication. http://t.co/fTHtavk7 #
- Beautiful fugue on the complexity of noun countability in English by @mgrammar. http://t.co/7vHEXDjp #ellchat #engchat #
- "1 of the reasons that metric-centric systems can become so bad is that they almost always start out as something good" http://t.co/uhbhwAPU #
- Agree: "for teams that actually need to collaborate, Dropbox is still wanting" < has been slow to innovate http://t.co/DA6fYymh #
- Do we say anything qualitatively new when we say the brain does something or do we just identify neural correlates of cognition? #neurochat #
- Gates: "I…understand wanting to have a million dollars, it’s freedom, but…beyond that…it’s the same hamburger." http://t.co/BiDClnpP #
- $60 Akash tablet could do for education what XO laptop quite has not managed to do. Western govs take note! http://t.co/zQutpp7Z #edtech #
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