The day 2012-02-29 on @techczech

  • Google aids #accessibility with ChromeVox reader, better YouTube captions and more — Engadget #
  • @Sciencematters Use keyboard shortcuts, headings in Word, parse a url, kill a process… Rules of the road for the PC… 50 things for all! in reply to Sciencematters #
  • @sweetaswhisky Both. But mainly curriculum designers. in reply to sweetaswhisky #
  • People equate IT literacy with being able to use computers somehow. I think it should mean being able to use them well! #edtech #literacy #
  • There's a lot of potential in the HumBox but there seems to be a greater need for interinstituational support. #OER #
  • #OER publishers: ByAttribution-ShareAlike is better than NonCommercial. Commercial users won't want to share! And if they do, you benefit. #
  • Good tips on "10 Ways to Bring A Conference Back to Work" #edchat #

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