- 5 Cool Features That Prove Evernote Is Still A Kick-Ass Service http://t.co/b4He7wJf Looks like I must revisit Evernote #edtech #
- Cool video. But suggests wrong practice on ALT RT @MartianWebDev: RT @dequesystems: What is #Web #Accessibility? http://t.co/hgnbNVM4 #a11y #
- Encourage all #ScreenReader users to take @WebAIM's Screen Reader User Survey #4 http://t.co/0hDAeEmZ #accessibility #a11y We need the info! #
- Wow, pontificating on #language makes @newyorker seem like a bunch of halfwits. Seems to be a general "rule". http://t.co/w7CWY2jj #
- Language Landscape is an interesting project mapping global linguistic diversity. Hope it keeps going. http://t.co/YVYghunB #engchat #
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