- Why the University System, as We Know It, Won’t Last …. and What’s Coming Next http://t.co/iZ78fM33 #edchat #
- Just donated to the UK Pirate Party http://t.co/GiQlqsfE to support their efforts towards freedom of expression against corporate interests. #
- @ghenrick I agree that user error is often the reason. But discoverability of materials across course pages is a weakness of Moodle. in reply to ghenrick #
- Student response should give #Moodle developers pause. http://t.co/f784sYny #edtech #
- Parky cloudy http://t.co/YEISX7jd #
- New Free Software disc available | Open Source Schools http://t.co/lhcsozWT #edtech #
- So this is what constructivist learning looks like. @YouVersion as a model for social learning tools. http://t.co/zTq9jAQx #edchat #ukedchat #
- People like @Ofstednews should watch http://t.co/H2a9XypT before blaming discipline on new tech & mores. #ukedchat (ht http://t.co/9zdfnKfA) #
- HP loses hundreds of thousands CA social services records—on microfiche http://t.co/72PzJoNJ <The analog #security hole, safer to send email #
- I love my HTC One X but I could still tell 7 out of 10 photos that were taken by a professional camera phone. http://t.co/o4M369Hn #android #
- 5 Cool Features That Prove Evernote Is Still A Kick-Ass Service http://t.co/b4He7wJf Looks like I must revisit Evernote #edtech #
- Cool video. But suggests wrong practice on ALT RT @MartianWebDev: RT @dequesystems: What is #Web #Accessibility? http://t.co/hgnbNVM4 #a11y #
- Encourage all #ScreenReader users to take @WebAIM's Screen Reader User Survey #4 http://t.co/0hDAeEmZ #accessibility #a11y We need the info! #
- Wow, pontificating on #language makes @newyorker seem like a bunch of halfwits. Seems to be a general "rule". http://t.co/w7CWY2jj #
- Language Landscape is an interesting project mapping global linguistic diversity. Hope it keeps going. http://t.co/YVYghunB #engchat #
- My favourite English city #Norwich is England's first UNESCO City of Literature http://t.co/H4NEaGP6 #cityoflit Well done @WritersCentre #
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