- Anyone thinking women are not interested in geeky techie things should watch this Makeup Tutorial. http://t.co/2gOYWqQ7 #feminism #edchat #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/PtgOi2DU (Orig) Petals from a Flower #
- "Apple's Newton MessagePad PDA at Twenty" http://t.co/RS5mAcza < History of tech can help us understand what we have today #edtech #history #
- Envisioning Real Utopias: alternatives within and beyond capitalism may provide models for #EdReform http://t.co/m3zUqBkH #edchat #ukedchat #
- GirlsInTech Pick Their Top 100 Women In Tech In Europe http://t.co/PXn9XYVR #
- African nations embrace e-learning, says new report – PC Advisor http://t.co/VFH5OFpw #edchat #ukedchat #
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