- Just added a Twibbon to support Dyslexia Still Matters campaign by @dyslexiaaction http://t.co/Ro4d9UpI #dyslexia #ukedchat #
- Support Dyslexia Still Matters , add a #twibbon now! – http://t.co/ffLv4Wzd – Create one here – http://t.co/0iJmz2sK #
- Shadow puppet in dance or supplication #photooftheday http://t.co/KeefcFHn #
- #clipica inspired me to find out you can now paste images directly from your clipboard into #googledocs http://t.co/bMrh8phO #edtech #
- Snag.gy could be a great tool for sharing screenshots but the annotation functionality is still too limited http://t.co/9bli2fdE #edtech #
- “If you feel like your reason for being [in sales] is helping people find solutions to their problems you will succeed” http://t.co/ybWw8EVc #
- Better Than Dropbox: The 6 Quickest Ways To Share Any File With Anyone http://t.co/zNp4AAQ0 #edtech #
- I liked a @YouTube video from @geekandsundry http://t.co/3WsNj8OD Scary Smash featuring Dave Foley, Joss Whedon #
- Microsoft’s Office 2013 will make it possible to edit PDFs – I expect limited functionality http://t.co/gBCOagPZ #edtech #
- Do we need another e-learning silo? "Coursemodo Debuts A Student Engagement Platform For #HigherEd quot; Backed http://t.co/sTSRFcha #edtech #
- Google Launches Gmail SMS, Starting With Africa http://t.co/DNdCsFY7 — great move showing understanding of global needs #edtech #
- The Next @SoundCloud comes with welcome improvements http://t.co/wjr8dKEo #edtech #
- Good advice for any company CEO, not just Yahoo http://t.co/xKb8nVKF #
- I just signed up for Fantasy and SciFi: The Human Mind, Our Modern World #fantasysf – a free @coursera online class https://t.co/INpoFJxU #
- RT @Brendan_Mayer: Interesting trend for #highered marketers to watch: Facebook No Longer Cool to Teens or Millennials http://t.co/uPbi8gmm #
- Searching educational videos for words on @MobentoHQ is pretty good if you understand the limitations http://t.co/YsMynFg1 #edtech #
- Good point @MindingCampus Middle class students make college middle class not vice versa. http://t.co/qdTav3Vw #highered #
- We make our schooling systems as much as our schooling systems make us. Re http://t.co/JpUGn7zl #edpolicy #highered #edchat #
- RT @dkernohan: Edinburgh has a MOOC? What's a MOOC? JISC and friends are here to help: http://t.co/jAVqmMrd #mooc #ukedchat #
- It's time for funders to give grants for #Wikipedia editing and universities to teach responsible wiki editors #ukedchat #highered #edchat #
- @RichardStacy Well put. Ferguson's approach to evidence is very utilitarian – even book length: http://t.co/JOZY3nFz #reithlectures in reply to RichardStacy #
- @tomstandage @vgul @SpragueD Great list. Brain and the internet is another one – here's my rant from last year http://t.co/giHidaJd in reply to tomstandage #
- How low will they sink… RT @tomstandage: Excellent. Why Newsweek cover story bla bla = moral panic bla bla usual crap http://t.co/3xiEV9b8 #
- Mixed news for UK #openaccess http://t.co/CR7bSj7S but good to see acknowledgement of the need for #open publishing #ukedchat #
- The TechCzech Weekly is out! http://t.co/sjIjHWxU ▸ Top stories today via @wordnik #
- This is essential reading for evidence-based policy advocates insisting on random sampling http://t.co/1GTPrias #edpolicy #edchat #
- #Wikipedia seems to be addressing its #gender gap with commendable candor and insight http://t.co/01ImDC9X #feminism #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/Z9FchlGO The Struggle #
- #Drupal is better for some sites, #WordPress is better for others. But I find myself recommending WordPress for more and more small sites. #
- "#Drupal is not a #CMS quot; true but as a framework it needs to make basic CMS functionality easier to maintain http://t.co/eWXWkqDL #
- I am staggered by the talents of The Women of YouTube can't wait for them to become The People of Youtube. http://t.co/1Vv6jDBC #feminism #
- Wow. @SteveMartinToGo not as funny in http://t.co/MCzMiQba as @harto in http://t.co/jTx6vBc0 Student/master thing? #humor #
- @ballofcotton87 Having that experience 3 days later. Can't believe the circularity of argument doesn't make @nfergus dizzy. #ReithLectures in reply to ballofcotton87 #
- Google improves conversion facility on search – often forgotten feature http://t.co/yVI32EuL #edtech #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/4DPaUte2 Boating on The Norfolk Broads in the 1930s #
- I don't want an evidence-based policy! Partial evidence leads to complete dogmas! I want an evidence-engaged policy. #edchat #ukedchat #
- Looking forward to getting my Instagrams magnets from StickyGram! Got a code for $2 off your first order FRIEND7GUT http://t.co/brirTCGe #
- I liked a @YouTube video from @meghantonjes http://t.co/mSEpZuOV "This Year" by Meghan Tonjes (original) #
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