- @USMCShrink So in effect we have exams preparing people for other exams. Learning something useful is at best a side effect. in reply to USMCShrink #
- If there ever was a 12-step program for policy makers, it should adopt the Serenity Prayer as its mantra! http://t.co/1qQQhPog #edchat #
- Slides from Berlin 9 Open Access Conference 2011 finally available online http://t.co/yNkW3wCm < compulsory reading #openaccess #edchat #
- just earned the Great Listener in Probability on http://t.co/PPbgtZnM via @khanacademy #
- The CUNY Academic Commons Announces The Commons in a Box Project – a commendable work of open source and academia http://t.co/Cpw51BNO #
- Why is anybody still surprised that standardized tests don't reflect useful knowledge or skill – only test performance! http://t.co/RTegnJBB #
- Great summary of 2011 in #digitalhumanities #paywall #oer #vle #university #edtech #openaccess #commons http://t.co/tbrlETjs #
- Great post on how good sales to eager managers lead to failures of technological innovation in education: http://t.co/PPIF1oqg #ukedchat #
- "Bad copyright law enacted on the basis of flimsy, cooked statistics is not serving to enrich artists.." http://t.co/1vhwk58q (@rgesthuizen) #
- Isn't intellectual property a form of theft. Like building a dam upstream of a river everyone drinks from and charging for drinking water. #
- Recording of a great webinar on copyright: What's Right? An Overview of copyright and clearance guidelines http://t.co/eVHUlS17 #ukedchat #
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